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Youth & Family
Welcome to TLC Kids and Family where our children, youth, and families are treated with tender loving care. Our goal is to help kids and their families develop a close relationship with God, each other, and spread His love to others out in the community. Have a look at a few of the different opportunities available at Trinity for Youth and Family. We also have Multi-age events, Family Fun Days and much more. For more information or to get involved contact Debbie Kunakey by email HERE
Kids Connection
Every Sunday from 9 am to 10 am preschool through fifth grade children meet in our Temple room upstairs for worship, connection, and faith formation. Children begin with an art project, then participate in a Google slide presentation of children songs, activities, and a Bible lesson. Afterward, free choice options are available to help them practice what they’ve learned and socialize with their peers.
We have joined Youth Groups in cooperation with Two Rivers UMC in Rock Island. We meet at Two Rivers on the first and second Sundays of the month and here at Trinity on the third
and fourth Sundays.
5th Sundays, community outings.
4th through 12th Grade 3 - 5 p.m.
young Adult
Our young adults generally meet the second Sunday of the month from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at a restaurant or venue in the Quad Cities. They discuss current events, what they are up to, and how God helps them through all circumstances. If you would like to participate or find out where they are going next contact Debbie Kunakey at (309) 762-3624 or