Your time and talent are welcome and needed at Trinity. You will find great fellowship and great rewards in meeting wonderful people of faith, establishing new friendships and serving God with your gifts. Below is a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities to get "plugged in" to our ministries. Contact us today!
- Worship and Music -
choir, bells, praise team and other opportunities.
- Assisting ministers -
in worship, leading in the prayers, peace, and communion.
-Communion Assistants -
who help serve Communion to the congregation during worship.
- Greeters -
greet people as they arrive for services and events, who seek to be helpful to everyone.
- Readers -
for the Bible lessons in worship.
- Ushers -
who assist in greeting, offering hospitality to new people before and during the service,
and helping the service flow well.
- Prayer Team -
Gathers weekly on Monday mornings via phone conference to pray for the needs of congregation,
our communities, and God’s world.
- Wednesdays at 1 Bible Study -
Invites people to explore the Bible by examining history, writing styles, translations,
interpretations, and individual life experiences.
- Women of Trinity -
Provides fellowship, service, and Bible study. *There are 4 units at Trinity.
*Anna -
Anna Circle provides Christian fellowship, Bible study and opportunities for service. The circle gives gifts and a food basket at Christmas to a needy family and assembles health kits for Church Women United.
*Ruth -
Helps set up local apartments for refugees for World Relief, volunteers
within the circle lead in a study lesson each month.
*Sarah -
Provides opportunities for fellowship, personal and spiritual growth in addition
to enhancing the church building and grounds with flowers, table settings, and seasonal decorations.
*Esther -
Cares for the pews in the sanctuary, including cleaning and stocking them with attendance cards and pens.
Befrienders - visit the sick, hospitalized, and homebound, help the Pastor
with information about the needs of those visited.
- Member Care Team -
Identifies and cares for the needs of the congregation (food, housing, transportation, yard work etc.); Maintains connections and relationships with cards to the ill, hospitalized, and shut in and their families, and to those celebrating their birthday.
- Prayer Shawl Circle -
Knits and blesses shawls for the sick and grieving.
- Hunger Team -
Stocks our Little Free Food Pantry and coordinates outreach to address hunger locally
and worldwide with Community meal sites.
- Global Mission Team -
Responsible for mission and service beyond the United States, and working with local,
national, and international partners.
- TerraCycle Quad Cities -
Provides information on issues of sustainability and faithful stewardship of the earth,
and recycling throughout our congregation.
- Book Club -
Gathers monthly to discuss and review chosen books.
- Team 1330 -
Seeks to share the stories of Trinity through media, community outreach, and hospitality.
- Library Team -
Encourages reading for all ages through the use of the church library and its resources.
- Youth & Family Ministry -
Educate and Support all families, especially those with children ages 0-18.
- Office Volunteers -
assists in daily tasks and ongoing projects, including bulletin and newsletter assembly.
- Property Team -
Guides the maintaining and improving Trinity’s building and grounds.
- Church Council -
The democratically elected governing body of Trinity Lutheran Church, elected to 2-year terms.
- Funds Investment Committee -
Manages all financial investments and the Trinity Endowment funds.
- Harvest Committee -
Educates and inspires on all aspects of stewardship: Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimony,
and Temple (the physical body). Also facilitates the annual budget process.
- Memorial Committee -
Identifies and guides the use of memorial funds donated to Trinity in accord with families’ wishes.